Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Find Miss Call Mobile Number

Telecom Circles
























Cellular Operator








RIM - RELIANCE Communications (CDMA)







1. This is a list of four digit mobile number prefixes(code) of all the the telecom operators across the country. By the first four digit of the mobile number you will know the telecom circle and telecom operator of the subscriber.

2. I do not have any directory for the mobile numbers or any mobile tracking system, and hence I can't provide you the address for any mobile number. So please don't ask me for the same.

3. This information will not be correct if the subscriber is in roaming circles.

4. The '-' and '--' indicates that these codes have not been allotted to any cellular operators.

Mobile Telephone Number Codes for India

'90' Shared '91' Shared TATA INDICOM RIM CELLONE '96' Shared '97' Shared '98' Shared '99' Shared
9000 A
9100 - -- 9200 MP 9300 MP 9400 -- 9600 - -- 9700 C AP 9800 A WB 9900 A KN
9001 A RJ 9101 - -- 9201 MP 9301 MP 9401 AS 9601 - -- 9701 A AP 9801 A BR 9901 A KN
9002 A WB 9102 - -- 9202 MP 9302 MP 9402 NE 9602 - -- 9702 I MU 9802 C HR 9902 A KN
9003 A TN 9103 - -- 9203 MP 9303 MP 9403 MH 9603 - -- 9703 V AP 9803 C PB 9903 A KO
9004 A MU 9104 - -- 9204 BR 9304 BR 9404 -- 9604 - -- 9704 A AP 9804 C KO 9904 I GJ
9005 A
9105 - -- 9205 JK
9305 UE 9405 -- 9605 - -- 9705 I AP 9805 A HP 9905 R BR
9006 A BR 9106 - -- 9206 NE
9306 JK 9406 MP 9606 - -- 9706 V AS 9806 C MP 9906 A JK
9007 A KO 9107 - -- 9207 AS
9307 UE 9407 MP 9607 - -- 9707 R AS 9807 C UE 9907 R MP
9008 A KN 9108 - -- 9208 -- 9308 BR 9408 -- 9608 - -- 9708 I BR 9808 C UW 9908 A AP
9009 I MP 9109 - -- 9209 -- 9309 RJ 9409 -- 9609 - -- 9709 V BR 9809 C KL 9909 V GJ
9010 I AP 9110 - -- 9210 DL 9310 DL 9410 UW 9610 - -- 9710 C CH 9810 A DL 9910 A DL
9011 I MH 9111 - -- 9211 DL 9311 DL 9411 UW 9611 - -- 9711 V DL 9811 V DL 9911 I DL
9012 I UW 9112 - -- 9212 DL 9312 DL 9412 UW 9612 - -- 9712 V GJ 9812 I HR 9912 I AP
9013 M
9113 - -- 9213 DL 9313 DL 9413 RJ 9613 - -- 9713 V MP 9813 V HR 9913 V GJ
9014 R
AP 9114 - -- 9214 RJ 9314 RJ 9414 RJ 9614 - -- 9714 I GJ 9814 S PB 9914 S PB
9015 R
9115 - -- 9215 HR 9315 HR 9415 UE 9615 - -- 9715 C TN 9815 A PB 9915 A PB
9016 R
GJ 9116 - -- 9216 PB 9316 PB 9416 HR 9616 - -- 9716 C DL 9816 A HP 9916 V KN
9017 R
9117 - -- 9217 PB 9317 PB 9417 PB 9617 - -- 9717 A DL 9817 R HP 9917 I UW
9018 R
9118 - -- 9218 HP 9318 HP 9418 HP 9618 - -- 9718 I DL 9818 A DL 9918 V UE
9019 R
9119 - -- 9219 UW 9319 UW 9419 JK 9619 - -- 9719 V UW 9819 V MU 9919 V UE
9020 R
9120 - -- 9220 MU 9320 MU 9420 MH 9620 - -- 9720 V UW 9820 V MU 9920 V MU
9021 R
9121 - -- 9221 MU 9321 MU 9421 MH 9621 - -- 9721 V UE 9821 B MU 9921 I MH
9022 R MU
9122 - -- 9222 MU 9322 MU 9422 MH 9622 - -- 9722 C GJ 9822 I MH 9922 I MH
9023 R
9123 - -- 9223 MU 9323 MU 9423 MH 9623 - -- 9723 I GJ 9823 V MH 9923 V MH
9024 R
9124 - -- 9224 MU 9324 MU 9424 MP 9624 - -- 9724 A GJ 9824 I GJ 9924 I GJ
9025 R
9125 - -- 9225 MH 9325 MH 9425 MP 9625 - -- 9725 A GJ 9825 V GJ 9925 V GJ
9026 R
9126 - -- 9226 MH 9326 MH 9426 GJ 9626 - -- 9726 V GJ 9826 I MP 9926 I MP
9027 R
9127 - -- 9227 GJ 9327 GJ 9427 GJ 9627 - -- 9727 V GJ 9827 R MP 9927 I UW
9028 T
9128 - -- 9228 GJ 9328 GJ 9428 GJ 9628 - -- 9728 I HR 9828 V RJ 9928 A RJ
9029 T
9129 - -- 9229 MP 9329 MP 9429 GJ 9629 - -- 9729 A HR 9829 A RJ 9929 A RJ
9030 T
9130 - -- 9230 KO 9330 KO 9430 BR 9630 - -- 9730 A MH 9830 V KO 9930 V MU
9031 T
9131 - -- 9231 KO 9331 KO 9431 BR 9631 - -- 9731 A KN 9831 A KO 9931 A BR
9032 T
9132 - -- 9232 WB 9332 WB 9432 KO 9632 - -- 9732 V WB 9832 R WB 9932 A WB
9033 T
9133 - -- 9233 WB 9333 WB 9433 KO 9633 - -- 9733 V WB 9833 V MU 9933 A WB
9034 T
9134 - -- 9234 BR 9334 BR 9434 WB 9634 - -- 9734 V WB 9834 - -- 9934 A BR
9035 T
9135 - -- 9235 UE 9335 UE 9435 AS 9635 - -- 9735 V WB 9835 R BR 9935 A UE
9036 T
9136 - -- 9236 UE 9336 UE 9436 NE 9636 - -- 9736 V HP 9836 V KO 9936 A UE
9037 T
9137 - -- 9237 OR 9337 OR 9437 OR 9637 - -- 9737 - -- 9837 I UW 9937 A OR
9038 T
9138 - -- 9238 OR 9338 OR 9438 OR 9638 - -- 9738 C KN 9838 V UE 9938 A OR
9039 T
9139 - -- 9239 KO 9339 KO 9439 -- 9639 - -- 9739 V KN 9839 V UE 9939 A BR
9040 T
9140 - -- 9240 CH 9340 CH 9440 AP 9640 - -- 9740 A KN 9840 A CH 9940 A CH
9041 T
9141 - -- 9241 KN 9341 KN 9441 AP 9641 - -- 9741 A KN 9841 C CH 9941 C CH
9042 T
9142 - -- 9242 KN 9342 KN 9442 TN 9642 - -- 9742 V KN 9842 C TN 9942 C TN
9043 T
9143 - -- 9243 KN 9343 KN 9443 TN 9643 - -- 9743 S KN 9843 V TN 9943 V TN
9044 T
9144 - -- 9244 TN 9344 KN 9444 CH 9644 - -- 9744 I KL 9844 S KN 9944 A TN
9045 T
9145 - -- 9245 TN 9345 TN 9445 CH 9645 - -- 9745 V KL 9845 A KN 9945 A KN
9046 T
9146 - -- 9246 AP 9346 AP 9446 KL 9646 - -- 9746 A KL 9846 V KL 9946 V KL
9047 V TN 9147 - -- 9247 AP 9347 AP 9447 KL 9647 - -- 9747 I KL 9847 I KL 9947 I KL
9048 V KL 9148 - -- 9248 AP 9348 AP 9448 KN 9648 - -- 9748 A KO 9848 I AP 9948 I AP
9049 V
9149 - -- 9249 KL 9349 KL 9449 KN 9649 - -- 9749 R WB 9849 A AP 9949 A AP
9050 V
9150 - -- 9250 DL 9350 DL 9450 UE 9650 - -- 9750 C TN 9850 I MH 9950 A RJ
9051 V
9151 - -- 9251 RJ 9351 RJ 9451 UE 9651 - -- 9751 V TN 9851 C WB 9951 I AP
9052 V AP 9152 - -- 9252 RJ 9352 RJ 9452 UE 9652 - -- 9752 A MP 9852 C BR 9952 A TN
9053 - -- 9153 - -- 9253 HR 9353 HR 9453 UE 9653 - -- 9753 I MP 9853 C OR 9953 V DL
9054 - -- 9154 - -- 9254 HR 9354 HR 9454 UE 9654 - -- 9754 I MP 9854 C AS 9954 A AS
9055 - -- 9155 - -- 9255 HR 9355 HR 9455 -- 9655 - -- 9755 A MP 9855 S PB 9955 A BR
9056 - -- 9156 - -- 9256 PB 9356 PB 9456 UW 9656 - -- 9756 I UW 9856 C NE 9956 A UE
9057 - -- 9157 - -- 9257 PB 9357 PB 9457 UW 9657 - -- 9757 M MU 9857 C HP 9957 A AS
9058 - -- 9158 - -- 9258 UW 9358 UW 9458 -- 9658 - -- 9758 V UW 9858 C JK 9958 A DL
9059 - -- 9159 - -- 9259 UW 9359 UW 9459 -- 9659 - -- 9759 V UW 9859 C AS 9959 A AP
9060 - -- 9160 - -- 9260 TN 9360 TN 9460 RJ 9660 - -- 9760 A UW 9860 A MH 9960 A MH
9061 - -- 9161 - -- 9261 TN 9361 TN 9461 RJ 9661 - -- 9761 V UW 9861 R OR 9961 I KL
9062 - -- 9162 - -- 9262 TN 9362 TN 9462 -- 9662 - -- 9762 C MH 9862 A NE 9962 V CH
9063 - -- 9163 - -- 9263 TN 9363 TN 9463 PB 9663 - -- 9763 I MH 9863 R NE 9963 A AP
9064 - -- 9164 - -- 9264 TN 9364 TN 9464 PB 9664 - -- 9764 V MH 9864 R AS 9964 S KN
9065 - -- 9165 - -- 9265 TN 9365 TN 9465 -- 9665 - -- 9765 V MH 9865 C TN 9965 C TN
9066 - -- 9166 - -- 9266 TN 9366 TN 9466 HR 9666 - -- 9766 A MH 9866 A AP 9966 V AP
9067 - -- 9167 - -- 9267 TN 9367 TN 9467 -- 9667 - -- 9767 I MH 9867 A MU 9967 A MU
9068 - -- 9168 - -- 9268 DL 9368 UW 9468 -- 9668 - -- 9768 C MU 9868 M DL 9968 M DL
9069 - -- 9169 - -- 9269 -- 9369 -- 9469 JK 9669 - -- 9769 V MU 9869 M MU 9969 M MU
9070 - -- 9170 - -- 9270 MH 9370 MH 9470 BR 9670 - -- 9770 R MP 9870 B MU 9970 A MH
9071 - -- 9171 - -- 9271 MH 9371 MH 9471 -- 9671 - -- 9771 A BR 9871 A DL 9971 A DL
9072 - -- 9172 - -- 9272 MH 9372 MH 9472 -- 9672 - -- 9772 V RJ 9872 A PB 9972 A KN
9073 - -- 9173 - -- 9273 MH 9373 MH 9473 -- 9673 - -- 9773 B MU 9873 V DL 9973 A BR
9074 - -- 9174 - -- 9274 GJ 9374 GJ 9474 WB 9674 - -- 9774 V NE 9874 V KO 9974 A GJ
9075 - -- 9175 - -- 9275 GJ 9375 GJ 9475 WB 9675 - -- 9775 V WB 9875 Y RJ 9975 A MH
9076 - -- 9176 -
-- 9276 GJ 9376 GJ 9476 -- 9676 - -- 9776 V OR 9876 A PB 9976 C TN
9077 - -- 9177 - -- 9277 GJ 9377 GJ 9477 -- 9677 - -- 9777 A OR 9877 H PB 9977 I MP
9078 - -- 9178 - -- 9278 -- 9378 WB 9478 -- 9678 - -- 9778 R OR 9878 A PB 9978 V GJ
9079 - -- 9179 - -- 9279 -- 9379 KN 9479 -- 9679 - -- 9779 A PB 9879 V GJ 9979 V GJ
9080 - -- 9180 - -- 9280 CH 9380 CH 9480 KN 9680 - -- 9780 V PB 9880 A KN 9980 A KN
9081 - -- 9181 - -- 9281 CH 9381 CH 9481 KN
9681 - -- 9781 S PB 9881 I MH 9981 A MP
9082 - -- 9182 - -- 9282 CH 9382 CH 9482 -- 9682 - -- 9782 C RJ 9882 I HP 9982 V RJ
9083 - -- 9183 - -- 9283 CH 9383 CH 9483 -- 9683 - -- 9783 V RJ 9883 R KO 9983 V RJ
9084 - -- 9184 - -- 9284 CH 9384 CH 9484 -- 9684 - -- 9784 A RJ 9884 V CH 9984 V UE
9085 - -- 9185 - -- 9285 CH 9385 CH 9485 -- 9685 - -- 9785 I RJ 9885 V AP 9985 V AP
9086 - -- 9186 - -- 9286 -- 9386 -- 9486 TN 9686 - -- 9786 V TN 9886 V KN 9986 V KN
9087 - -- 9187 - -- 9287 KL 9387 KL 9487 TN 9687 - -- 9787 V TN 9887 I RJ 9987 A MU
9088 - -- 9188 - -- 9288 KL 9388 KL 9488 -- 9688 - -- 9788 C TN 9888 V PB 9988 V PB
9089 - -- 9189 - -- 9289 -- 9389 -- 9489 -- 9689 - -- 9789 A TN 9889 I UE 9989 A AP
9090 - -- 9190 - -- 9290 AP 9390 AP 9490 AP 9690 - -- 9790 A TN 9890 A MH 9990 I DL
9091 - -- 9191 - -- 9291 AP 9391 AP 9491 AP 9691 - -- 9791 A TN 9891 I DL 9991 V HR
9092 - -- 9192 - -- 9292 AP 9392 AP 9492 -- 9692 - -- 9792 V UE 9892 A MU 9992 I HR
9093 - -- 9193 - -- 9293 AP 9393 AP 9493 -- 9693 - -- 9793 A UE 9893 A MP 9993 A MP
9094 - -- 9194 - -- 9294 AP 9394 AP 9494 -- 9694 - -- 9794 A UE 9894 A TN 9994 A TN
9095 - -- 9195 - -- 9295 AP 9395 AP 9495 KL 9695 - -- 9795 I UE 9895 A KL 9995 A KL
9096 - -- 9196 - -- 9296 AP 9396 AP 9496 KL 9696 - -- 9796 V JK 9896 A HR 9996 A HR
9097 - -- 9197 - -- 9297 AP 9397 AP 9497 -- 9697 - -- 9797 A JK 9897 A UW 9997 A UW
9098 - -- 9198 - -- 9298 AP 9398 AP 9498 -- 9698 - -- 9798 R BR 9898 A GJ 9998 A GJ
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Here are some of my favoriate songs: Kandi - By One Eskimo, Your Love Is My Drug - By Ke$ha, The Thrill Is Gone - By B.B. King, Stayin' Alive - By The Bee Gees, Viva La Vida - By Coldplay, I'm Awesome - By Spose, Caroline - By No, Bitter Sweet Symphony - By The Verve, Alice's Theme - By Danny Elfman, The Story So Far - By Flogging Molly, Smells Like Teen Spirit - By Nirvana, You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' - By The Righteous Brothers, Chicken Fried - By Zac Brown Band, Live Like We're Dying - By Kris Allen, Mack the Knife - By Bobby Darin, Roadrunner - By The Modern Lovers. You can listen to these [url=]Free Music Downloads[/url] Online for free.